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Atlas Device SDKs

Define an SDK Object Model

On this page

  • Object Types and Schemas
  • Database Schema
  • Object Model
  • Object Schema
  • Define an SDK Object Model
  • Define Models for Specific Object Types
  • Define a Realm Object
  • Define an Embedded Object
  • Define an Asymmetric Object
  • Define a Geospatial Object
  • Define Property Behaviors
  • Index a Property
  • Enable Full-Text Search on a Property
  • Designate a Primary Key
  • Define an Optional Property
  • Ignore a Property
  • Set a Default Value for a Property
  • Define Custom Setters
  • Model Unstructured Data
  • Map a Model or Property to a Different Name
  • Transform Model Data for View Models
  • Transform Persisted Properties
  • Define a Projection

Atlas Device SDK applications model data as objects composed of field-value pairs that each contain one or more supported data types. You can annotate a property to provide additional meta-information that gives the property special behaviors, such as:

  • Designate a property as the object's primary key

  • Ignore a property when reading and writing data

  • Index a property to improve performance for queries on that property

  • Index a property for use with Full-Text Search

  • Map a property or class to a different stored name

Every database object has an object type that refers to the object's class or struct. Objects of the same type share an object schema that defines the properties and relationships of those objects.

A database schema is a list of valid object schemas that the database may contain. Every database object must conform to an object type that's included in its database's schema.

If the database already contains data when you open it, the SDK validates each object to ensure that an object schema was provided for its type and that it meets all of the constraints specified in the schema.

For more information about how to open the database, refer to Configure & Open a Database File.

Your object model is the core structure that gives the database information about how to interpret and store the objects in your app. The properties that you want to persist must use the supported data types. Properties are also the mechanism for establishing relationships between object types, or establishing other special behaviors for specific fields in your object.

An object schema maps properties for a specific object type. The SDK schemas give the SDK the information it needs to validate, store, and retrieve the objects. A schema must accompany every object model you want to persist. When possible, Device SDK uses language-specific features to simplify or abstract away the process of creating a schema.


Class names are limited to a maximum of 57 UTF-8 characters.

The SDK provides three specific object types, plus support for using an object with geospatial data:

  • Realm object: the base object type used by the SDK.

  • Embedded object: a special object type that cannot exist outside the lifecycle of its parent Realm object.

  • Asymmetric object: a special object type used in heavy insert-only workloads using the Data Ingest feature.

  • Geospatial object: an object that uses duck-typing to provide a consistent interface and special methods for working with geospatial data.

Throughout the documentation, when we refer to "SDK objects" or "SDK object types," we refer to one of these object types.

A Realm object is the base object type stored by the SDK's device persistence layer, Realm.

An embedded object is a special type of object that models complex data about a specific object. Embedded objects are similar to relationships, but they provide additional constraints and map more naturally to the denormalized MongoDB document model.

The SDK enforces unique ownership constraints that treat each embedded object as nested data inside of a single, specific parent object. An embedded object inherits the lifecycle of its parent object and cannot exist as an independent database object. The SDK automatically deletes embedded objects if their parent object is deleted or when overwritten by a new embedded object instance. This differs from a to-one or to-many relationship, in which the related objects have independent lifecycles.


Lifecycle considerations

Because embedded objects cannot exist as objects independent of their parent object, when you delete a Realm object, the SDK automatically deletes any embedded objects referenced by that object. Any objects that your application must persist after the deletion of their parent object should use relationships instead.

Additionally, embedded objects cannot have a primary key.

You can use Data Ingest to sync an object unidirectionally from your device to the database linked to your Atlas App Services App.

Asymmetric objects do not function in the same way as other database objects. You cannot:

  • Remove an asymmetric object from the device database

  • Query an asymmetric object from the device database

You can only create an asymmetric object, which then syncs unidirectionally to the Atlas database linked to your App with Device Sync.

For more information, see: Create an Asymmetric Object.

To persist GeoPoint data, it must conform to the GeoJSON spec.


Cannot Persist Geospatial Data Types

Currently, you can only persist geospatial data. Geospatial data types cannot be persisted directly. For example, you can't declare a property that is of type GeoBox.

These types can only be used as arguments for geospatial queries.

You can define property types that have special behavior. These property types provide additional functionality or constraints to these fields in your data model.

When you add an index to a property, the SDK can perform equality matches and range-based query operations on the property much more efficiently. Without indexes, the SDK scans every object of its type to select the objects that match the given query. However, if an applicable index exists for a query, the SDK uses the index to limit the number of objects it must inspect.

Indexes are special data structures that store a small portion of a database's data in an easy-to-traverse form. The index stores the value of a specific field ordered by the value of the field.

When indexing a property, keep in mind:

  • Indexes can be nullable.

  • Primary keys are indexed by default.

  • You cannot combine standard indexes with full-text search (FTS) indexes on the same property. To create an FTS index on a property, refer to the Enable Full-Text Search on a Property section on this page.

Indexing a property makes some types of queries more efficient, but can slow down writes and increase the size of the database file:

  • Indexes support more efficient match and range-based query operations.

  • Indexes make insert and update operation speed slightly slower.

  • Adding an index to a property increases disk space consumed by your database file. Each index entry is a minimum of 12 bytes.

  • Indexes on the client and on the server are entirely separate. The only effect that adding indexes has on initial Sync performance is to make it slightly slower as the index has to be populated.

Generally, you should only add an index when you need to improve the performance of a specific equality-based query, and the minor slowdown in writes is acceptable with your app's write patterns.


When you create an index with the SDK, you are creating it in the device persistence layer and not on an Atlas collection. If you need to query an Atlas collection directly and want to improve performance, refer to Create, View, Drop, and Hide Indexes.

The SDK supports Full-Text Search (FTS) on string properties. You do this by adding a FTS index on the property. When you query a FTS property, the FTS index enables searching for multiple words and phrases and excluding others.

Similar to a regular index, FTS indexes have performance benefits and implications. Adding a FTS index to a property makes some types of queries more efficient, but can slow down writes and increase the size of the database file:

  • FTS indexes support more efficient match and range-based query operations when seraching for multiple words or phrases and excluding others.

  • FTS indexes make insert and update operation speed slightly slower.

  • Adding a FTS index to a property increases disk space consumed by your database file. Each index entry is a minimum of 12 bytes.

You cannot combine standard indexes with full-text search (FTS) indexes on the same property. To create a standard index on a property, refer to the Index a Property section on this page.


Character Limitations for Full-Text Search Indexes

For Full-Text Search (FTS) indexes, only ASCII and Latin-1 alphanumerical chars (most western languages) are included in the index.

Indexes are diacritics- and case-insensitive.

A primary key is a property that uniquely identifies an object.

Primary keys allow you to efficiently find, update, and upsert objects.

Primary keys are subject to the following limitations:

  • You can define only one primary key per object model.

  • Primary key values must be unique across all instances of an object in the database. The SDK throws an error if you try to insert a duplicate primary key value.

  • Primary key values are immutable. To change the primary key value of an object, you must delete the original object and insert a new object with a different primary key value.

  • Embedded objects cannot define a primary key.

If you are using Device Sync, your models must have a primary key named _id.

The SDK supports defining optional properties. The SDK uses language-specific idioms for handling optional model properties. The SDK considers all model properties required unless you designate them as optional, or ignore them.

The SDK has some special rules about when things must be nullable, and when they cannot be nullable:

  • You must declare properties that are SDK object types as nullable.

  • You cannot declare collections (list, sets, backlinks, and dictionaries) as nullable, but their parameters may be nullable according to the following rules:

    • For all types of collections, if the parameters are primitives (value- or reference-types), they can be required or nullable.

    • For lists, sets, and backlinks, if the parameters are SDK objects, they cannot be nullable.

    • For dictionaries with a value type of an SDK object, you must declare the value type parameter as nullable.

You can ignore a property to avoid persisting that property's value.

An ignored property behaves exactly like a managed property, except:

  • They aren't stored to the database

  • They can't be used in queries

  • They don't trigger notifications

You can mix managed and ignored properties within a model.

You can specify a default value for a property in your data model.

You cannot set a default value on a collection, except to set it to null or nil. Even if you set a collection to nil, collections are always initialized on first access, so will never be nil.

For some platforms and languages, the idiomatic developer experience involves defining custom setters. The SDK does not directly persist properties using custom setters. Instead, you can store the property value in a private property, and then map that value to a public property that uses the custom setter.

The SDK stores the private property, while you modify its value through the public property.

Unstructured data is data that doesn't easily conform to an expected schema, making it difficult or impractical to model to individual data classes. For example, your app might have highly variable data or dynamic data whose structure is unknown at runtime.

The SDK provides the ability to store collections of mixed data within a mixed property. You can use this feature to model complex data structures, such as JSON or MongoDB documents, without having to define a strict data model.

You can work with these collections the same way you would a non-mixed collection:

  • You can nest mixed collections up to 100 levels.

  • You can query on and react to changes on mixed collections.

  • You can find and update individual mixed collection elements.

However, storing data in mixed collections is less performant than using a structured schema or serializing JSON blobs into a single string property.


  • Use a map of mixed data types when the type is unknown but each value will have a unique identifier.

  • Use a list of mixed data types when the type is unknown but the order of objects is meaningful.

Some of the SDK implementations provide the ability to map an SDK object model or property to a different stored name in the database. This can be useful when:

  • You work across platforms where naming conventions differ. For example, if your Device Sync schema property names use snake case, while your project uses camel case.

  • You want to change a class or field name without forcing a migration.

  • You need to support multiple model classes with the same name in different packages.

  • You want to use a class name that is longer than the 57-character limit enforced by the SDK.

If you're using Atlas Device Sync, the name that you specify when you map the model or property to a new name is the name used in the persisted App Services Schema.


Migrations must use the persisted class or property name. Any schema errors reported also use the persisted name.

You can define a projection of your model objects and properties to transform the data into different shapes and structures. You might want to use a projection to make data available in a specific form, but persist it in a different form.

For example, you might want to work with persisted data in a different way in a view model or based on certain business logic. This simplifies using and testing SDK objects in your application.

With projection, you can use a subset of your object's properties directly in the UI, or transform them. When you use a projection for this, you get all the benefits of the SDK's live objects:

  • The class-projected object live updates

  • You can observe it for changes

  • You can apply changes directly to the properties in write transactions

Projection is currently only available in the Swift SDK.

When you define a projection, you can transform the original persisted property in several ways:

  • Passthrough: the property is the same name and type as the original object

  • Rename: the property has the same type as the original object, but a different name

  • Keypath resolution: use keypath resolution to access properties of the original object, including embedded object properties

  • Collection mapping: Project lists or sets of Object s or EmbeddedObject s as a collection of primitive values

  • Exclusion: when you use a model projection, the underlying object's properties that are not projected through the model projection are excluded. This enables you to watch for changes to a model projection and not see changes for properties that are not part of the model projection.
